Thanks for checking me out.
I’m not going to load this page with the usual list of accomplishments to try to convince you that I have something to say. I struggle with self-esteem too much to talk about achievements.
I will say in spite of many self-inflicted wounds and stupid mistakes, I’m finding myself living a charmed life.
As a Partner in two successful advertising agencies, I get to spend my days crafting messages and strategies to help nonprofits, businesses and professionals grow. This work was one of my fantasy jobs (becoming a Green Beret, Navy SEAL and a “Scientist” were some other equally unlikely dreams).
I’m grateful everyday to live the life I live.
Yet in the middle of this “dream life” I realized that I was stumbling into what much of the world would describe as “success” without maintaining the deep meaning I craved (and needed).
That epiphany began my journey into discovering the principles for managing my life’s meaning. The journey changed relationships, challenged comfort zones and transformed the details of how I live my life.
And then a friend mentioned to me that she was producing a TedX event. An email to her led to the unique experience of standing on a “Ted” stage and telling the very personal story of this epiphany and how I go about managing the meaning of my life. It was scary, glorious and challenging.
The feedback from that talk and all the unspoken ideas I had left over led to this project.
What else should you know about me?
I follow Jesus. But I don’t fit many of the current stereotypes of a Christian. So either relax or be warned, whichever applies.
I read Marcus Aurelius. I’ve found that the Stoic philosophers align well with what I need to hear in my life.
I run Spartan Races. I’m compelled to challenge myself physically to see what my mind can convince my body to do.
I pursue extraordinary food and live theatre.
I believe that if you’re going to play music, play it loud.
Really, give me unique, memorable experiences over any treasure or wealth or stuff.
The most important person in my world is my beloved wife and business partner Kris Hoots. I mostly just call her “Hoots” (if you’re lucky enough to get to know her, maybe you’ll get to do the same).
We have kids and amazingly even grand kids. We make our home on Bainbridge Island, WA where we’re living the “remodel-life” in a tiny little 1950’s cottage.
I write here at here at ImJustST, at the Hoots & Thomas website and at the Oneicity blog.
You can get my free “every-other-week-ish” newsletter on managing your meaning, life, the best practices and generally what I’m thinking about by signing up here.